Dyzzleberry Dictionary
2DFIS. Two-dimensional, fixed-image-in-space technology. The 2DFIS acts like a virtual monitor with zoom capabilities. It produces an image from an app purchased for a Dyzzleberry Communicator. The technology ionizes a patch of air and projects the designated image onto that patch of air anywhere within a specified distance of its operating hub or DB. The distance of projection is determined by the strength of the product purchased. A less expensive one would have a shorter display zone than one more costly. At once, the image projected within Chico’s visual space, reminding her of the heads-up display in a sissca. An arrow pointed the way. She recognized the two-dimensional fixed-image-in-space technology; she had used 2DFIS applications before, so she knew how to test the projection. (7)
Graviton 1, the spaceship, as seen by Illiachus Wynter in Chapter 5 TREASURE.
A deadly retrovirus found in the Olympyon hemisphere of Planet Authair. Dr. Dorf Tzeus identified it as an A-plus-B merged retrovirus. The budget once allocated to sending a crew to the farthest reaches of the galaxy is now funneled into annihilating the ABMR epidemic. (44)
ABMR-Virus vaccine is the antidote that Dorf Seuz attempts to develop while on MBG21 (Planet Earth). The ABMR-Virus had spread as a plague on Planet Authair.
Aerocentrum Bay 1 Tower is the building housing the flight control operators on Planet Authair. It is adjacent to Aerocentrum G 1 which is the massive docking building for spaceship Graviton 1.
The massive building that houses Graviton 1 - the domed roof opens to allow the spaceship to achieve liftoff and landing.
Algorithm is a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations. In the story, Kurl thinks of Cimi as a person who considers herself as having the ability to master all algorithms.
An allele is one of many genes attached to chromosomes that are responsible for determining an individual's characteristics.
Accelerator mass spectrometry method for determining the amount of Carbon Fourteen isotope in a sample, to establish the age of the sample.
An olym is a unit of time on Planet Authair equivalent to 100 minutes Earth time. 0.1 olym is equal to 10 minutes Earth time.
Angry Botts of Authair is a game the botts and desbotts play in the story IZ~ theizzystory. Botts, Botty and Clyde become addicted to Angry Botts of Authair. That gets them into trouble while they are traveling to MBG21 (Earth) in Spaceship Graviton 1.
Authairian President’s Award presented annually to a citizen of Authair who has developed a process, product, or plan that has proven beneficial to raptankind. The jogger and suspected bomber has been identified as Chico Quwattle, an award-winning graduate of the University of Villinois, who won the First Authairian President’s Award for Young Innovators with her genetically modified corn. (5)
Authairian equivalent of celery. He took the last chug of TX, a potent vegetable cocktail, and picked up a firm stalk of apium. (1)
A noun used by Authairians to express a vision and or feeling of peace and beauty - example, The evening left an aquaglow of memories.
The top official of the fictional ancient Welsh Storoch Clan. Chapter 5 TREASURE
Celtic Mythology. Moon-mother goddess, keeper of the silver wheel that descends into the sea. Chapter 5 TREASURE
An organization like the United States Secret Service, but ASASS is specific to Authair’s Space Agency. Only the Authairian Space Agency’s Secret Service Chief knows of the PHI ABMR team’s emergency move into Graviton-1. For our safety, he gave me the go-ahead without consulting other ASASS members—not even the Central Security department that monitors the perimeter. (47)
A massive indoor planetarium-like theater that is used to display the sky, in real time, beyond Planet Authair.
The prehistoric mythical home of an advanced culture alleged to have lived in the area of the Mediterranean Sea. Chapter 4 THE BLOOD
Electromagnetic fields at the poles on Planet Authair. They funnel in cosmic radiation from Authair’s nearest suns, Olym and Valym, creating a spiraling rainbow of colors beautiful to see but deadly to approach. The aurora tornadoes generate a unique energy field that Authairians use in communication. Even raptans as young as one proxi-cycle knew glialpaths were only recordable if both sender and receiver used the DB technology in devices that enabled glialpathing through energy waves generated between the aurora tornadoes on Authair’s opposite poles. (23)
An advanced species of intelligent beings who evolved from reptiles on the fictional planet Authair in books written by DDWLEM. Authairians are hatched, not born. The Authairians, both male and female, generally look like Earthlings of 2000 CE. They have small ears and no hair on their bodies, although some may have eyebrows and lashes. Both males and females are bald, with a few exceptions like Cimi Nuja, who has a tuft of hair on the top of her head.
Male Authairians have a total of nine fingers—four on one hand and five on the other. Where the middle finger would be, on the four-fingered hand, there is a joint, which develops into a hinge that grows a claw-like weapon as the male matures.
The female Authairian has five fingers on each hand. Her arms are similar to those of Earthlings, except on the right arm, just below the wrist joint, a biopearl, hidden by a sheath of skin, develops as the female matures.
Authairians socialize much in the same way as present-day Earthlings. Valympyons vill hide nothing zat would be for zee benefit of all Authairians. (1)

The Authairian female sexual attractant develops fully at the culmination of puberty. It is a pearl embedded on the underside of either the left or right wrist. Hidden by a nictitating membrane, the biopearl can only be revealed by the female creating a specific movement of her fist accompanied by her emotional consent. A drop of blood oozed onto a protruded tendon as the double nictitating membrane concealing her biopearl opened. (1)
The nickname given to Kurl Tszargon’s one-of-a-kind flying craft, respected for its speed and maneuverability but officially named Sky Sport 1. I’d recognize Kurl’s Black Lightning anywhere. (47)
Coal - It is referred to in Chapter 5 TREASURE of IZ~ The Izzy Story as black rock that burns.
Intelligent machine designed to assist Authairians at varied tasks. For instance, Cimi Nuja programmed one of her botts for performing high-level mathematics as well as menial tasks with a personality combination of mischief and manners. Botts have two appendage-like arms with multiple joints from shoulder to wrist and grasping hands of four fingers and an opposing thumb. Sensory receptors on their globular heads receive 360-degree signals for sound, touch, and odor. Three eyes, two in the front and one in back, create panoramic vision. Auditory response emits through a small mouth-like orifice. Botts do not have legs or feet. Magnetic levitation with a gravity ring at the base of a hip-like section facilitates movement. When levitating, botts can appear to be variable heights, but from a bott’s head to the base of its gravity ring measures approximately 1.2 meters (four feet). A door opened, and a security bott buzzed out. It hovered directly in front of Kurl. (49)
Botty and Clyde are two robots who travel with the ABMR virus team to MBG21 (Earth) aboard Spaceship Graviton 1. They get in trouble because they are addicted to the game Angry Botts of Authair.
A university located in Dorset, England. Chapter 3 DISCOVERY.
A unique signature of each individual’s brain waves. The Authairian’s brainprint is programmed into his or her Dyzzleberry Communicator.
A substellar object that roams freely in outer space. It is too low in mass to sustain hydrogen fusion like our sun. Chapter 5 TREASURE.
A toy rabbityle. General Gore Andriol was given the toy as a gift from his grandmother when he was a toddler. Since Gore is a schizophrenic, he uses Buster as his alter ego. The general imagines that Buster assists him with critical decisions. Buster resides inside the general’s right uniform sleeve. The toy head bobbed up and down in affirmation, prodded by two of Gore’s fingers. He hugged Buster and gently squeezed the dull white pom-pom tail, then, careful to make sure his secret companion couldn’t be seen, he shoved the rabbityle feet-first back into the uniform’s sleeve, which remained close to his body. (14)
A chipmunk-like voice coming from Gore Andriol when Buster takes over Gore’s consciousness. General Andriol’s face twitched as Busterese faded away. (14)
. A device designed for spies working under authority of the Valympyon government. Camchyps are embedded in one’s cheek for secret communication. When pressed by the tongue, the camchyp takes images and sends them to a file for review and storage. General Gore Andriol ordered his spy, Harimata, to accept a camchyp. Our med team will embed a camchyp in your cheek. They’ll instruct you on how to operate the device with your tongue. (14)
An acronym for clear air turbulence, sudden severe turbulence occurring in cloudless regions that causes violent buffeting of aircraft. We’ll be able to outmaneuver any CATs better on the return trip in Kurl’s Bl—er—Sky Sport 1. (49)
A two-person flying speedster. Kurl Tszargon designed the prototype Cavejet 1 to traverse the narrow passages of the Equapyon mountain caverns. When astronomer Kurl Tszargon requested Phed pilot Kurl’s one-of-a-kind cavejet, the obstacle flight champion jumped at the opportunity. (9)
The organization that secures all aspects of the Olympyon Space Agency. If a minute lapses, Central Security will send out more investigator botts, and we’ll all be done for. (49)
The claw develops in Authairian males, triggered by DNA messaging, as they mature. It is usually found on the right hand where the middle finger would normally be. In that place, a callused, knob-like hinge activates the embedded claw blade. A tough enclosure of skin similar to a zipper opens the length of the forearm to expose the claw. When the male activates his claw, it whips out similar to the action of a switchblade and locks in place at the joint between the fingers, which then stiffen around the base of the claw to provide aim and force. At this point, the claw’s appearance is like that of a sword. If Zak survived the pain and trauma, his arm could be replaced—but what about its precious claw, the evolutionary remnant from prehistoric time when males thrust their blades into meaty boars for sustenance? (20)
An ancient coin concealing a tracking device given to Chico upon orders of General Andriol. If this news is true, I must follow the general’s instructions and attach the coin of Simetra onto the space station as soon as we arrive. (40)
A style of pottery characteristic of the Bronze Age in the UK. These urns do not have handles, but a large collar-like opening on top. Chapter 3 DISCOVERY.
Cosmic string. In Chapter One, Dorf Tzeus explains to Jeeves how they manage to depart Planet Authair, spend five Earth years away while only having been gone one day of Authair time. They have displaced time using Cosmic Strings.
Cosmic strings are hypothetical 1-dimensional (spatially) topological defects which may have been formed during a symmetry-breaking phase transition in the early universe when topology of the vacuum manifold associated to this symmetry-breaking was not connected. It is expected that at least one string per Hubble volume formed. The existence of cosmic strings was first contemplated by the theoretical physicist, Tom Kibble in the 1970's. More information can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_string/
A brand of coffee popular in the UK. Chapter 3 DISCOVERY.
Code on the Dyzzleberry Communicator that signals emergency. Chapter 1 ATTACK
Doctor’s assistant. Chico walked through, smiling at DA Harimata despite still not fully trusting the woman. (20)
The initialism of the authors of books featuring IZ, a little creature named Izzy from Planet Authair. The initials are for D. Duayne Whitehurst and Lucille E. Mayton. It is pronounced by spelling each letter: D-D-W-L-E-M.
An Authairian coroner. The death doctor’s conclusion went uncontested: asphyxiation by hydrogen cyanide. (7)
A handheld Authairian weapon. Equip one hundred forty of your best sharpshooters with death lasers. (46)
A devoted service robot created by the Valympyons to tend to their notouchims.
This is the black gum Cimi Nuja chews to calm down and focus. She claims it gives her a creative edge. In each creative moment, she pops a bubble. The bubble gum is naturally black because it contains multiwalled carbon nanotubes to give it extra strength. Cimi accidentally discovered its lifesaving properties during Izzy’s first attack. Terrified for the adorable feline-iguana she loved, Cimi chewed her Double Trouble Bubble Gum with fervor. (26)
Authairians wear a device called the Dyzzleberry Communicator or DB. Its name comes from the dyzzleberry plant that develops a vivid red berry and grows near the poles on Planet Authair. The DB’s indicator light glows red when in communication mode. Its owner texts or speaks a message, which the DB relays any distance to the intended recipient’s brain. The recipient receives this mental message through the unique field created by the aurora tornadoes. Authairian neuroscientists discovered that energy created by this field could be harnessed through the DB technology and used for planetary communication.
The DB is programmed to activate the glial cells of the recipient’s brain. Each DB owner must have his or her brainprint programmed into the DB for these glial cells to pick up the transmission. Anyone communicating in this way is said to be glialpathing.
The DB has an embedded unit that can be retracted or exposed when activated, transforming into a powerful telescopic camera as well as a projector. The DB has evolved to a micro-thin, flexible, quasi-organic device that is attached by a gel glue to a convenient spot on the body such as the wrist. Once adhered to the body, the device instantly reads that body’s DNA profile, allowing it to operate only for the authorized wearer. Her black, pencil-thin brows pinched a V over eyes that darted from one side of the empty hall to the other and then cut to the Dyzzleberry communicator cuffing her bony wrist. The DB flashed the time. (1)
The cloud source of all knowledge on Planet Authair. It can be accessed with the Dyzzleberry Communicator. This time UO-1 didn’t give Cimi time to answer. His glialpath came straight from the Dyzzleberry Dictionary.(22)
Robotic emergency message indicating an intruder. Chapter 1 ATTACK
Earthlings are the inhabitants of earth referred to by Authairians.
The mountain range that encircles Planet Authair at its equator, defining the geographic border between the Valympyon and Olympyon civilizations. Phed agreed to transport the woman and her cat to the other side of the Equapyon Mountains as fast as possible. (9)
A robotic substitute for the rabbityle species found on Authair. Faketyles are used for biological experiments. Dorf led Chico into the crescent-shaped observation pod, a room large enough to monitor the effectiveness of experimental vaccines on ten faketyle subjects. (17)
The nickname Phed uses for Cavejet 1. During their trudge to the seawalker tunnel, he’d urged her to keep the nickname Flash their secret, insisting Kurl Tszargon wouldn’t approve of calling his patented aerial transporter anything other than its official name, Cavejet 1.(10)
A material designed to integrate with a plexi wall of an animal habitat. When a hand or object presses through it, the flexichem seals around the protruding object while items are deposited to or removed from this double-walled, flexible, self-healing polymer. The chief of genetics bent near the ground before he let go of one hand on the crucible and gently pressed an entry spot in H-4’s flexichem. The double-polymer wall of the habitat gave way to the pressure of Dorf’s fist, allowing space enough for hand and crucible to enter. (17)
Direct communication to brain cells of Authairians through a unique field created by the aurora tornadoes at Planet Authair’s poles. The Dyzzleberry Communicator facilitates this messaging system. He realized it wasn’t a bubble—it was an honest-to-goodness glialpath from the tiny creature in Habitat Four. (26)
Initials signifying the Olympyon Government Medical Corps. Though desperate to know her location and immediate future, she feared too many questions might reveal her identity. Instead, she read the ID on the woman’s uniform: DA Harimata—GMC-1 Olymopos.(12)
A dense, tree-like shrub that covers large areas on Planet Authair. It’s feared because of its sharp thorns that protrude from every imaginable angle. However, its blossoms produce a nectar that is among the most sought-after plant substances on Authair. Chico inventoried the rest of the pack: protein cubes, water, a water purifier, even a flask of gnarlythorn nectar. (6)
A term used on Planet Authair to signify the sunsphere color at the time when a new work-cycle begins for most Authairians, equivalent to approximately 9:00 a.m. on Earth. Authair’s sunsphere changes hues throughout the planet’s revolutionary path between its two nearest suns at each pole, Olym and Valym. Chico seldom arose in time to watch the deep sunsphere soften toward Valym-yellow two hours before golden fringe signaled a new work-cycle. (8)
An advanced spaceship developed by the Olympyons on Planet Authair. It is capable of traveling through the dark energy field faster than the speed of light. The scientists had no time to contemplate the awesome brilliance of Graviton-1’s control center nor to worry about the consequences of commandeering the grandest spacecraft Authair had ever built. (55)
Growing Lab refers to two different places on Planet Authair. The first place is the area in Graviton 1 that provides for the growing of food for the crew, the second place comes into play later on in the story. It is a vast area at the Ponce Heidon Institution for the development of many plant species. Both Growing Labs are run by Chico Quwattle.
The place where an Authairian emerges from his or her egg. There’s where Daddy Tzeus carefully removed your embryo and took it to the habitat that became your hatchplace. (30)
Authairians have two hearts. One pumps blood to the lungs to receive oxygen, and the other pumps oxygenated blood around the body. The victims display no signs of early trauma or disease. They suddenly lose consciousness, their lungs collapse, and their hearts stop. (1)
A fence of flashing red lights that creates a web of protection. A burst of flashing lights surrounded the mountain like a gyrating scarlet web. Cimi knew about Graviton-1’s hololaser security fence, but seeing it confront Kurl put a new dimension to its frightful efficiency. (47)
A conference hosted by an individual or group involving any number of people located remotely from the host and whose live images appear as holograms to all participants. The general sat down at the C-shaped holomeet deck in the middle of the office and reclined to a preprogrammed position in his upholstered chair. (14)
A display apparatus like a TV screen that displays images in holographic form. She dug her ruby nails deep into a chair back’s plush fibers, impatient for National Public Telepathy Valympya’s update of deaths to scroll across the holovid at the front of the room. (1)
Ponce Heidon established Rules of Organization for his employees at The Ponce Heidon Institute of Genetics. He called these the House Rules. Then she quoted one of Director Heidon’s House Rules: “If you don’t know how to make it, get someone who does.” It wasn’t a direct quote, but she’d made her point.(22)
Protective body covering, including a facial bubble, that protects the wearer from viral infection. Such a skin is what Robar Gimmel is wearing in Thorf's dream. Chapter 4 The Blood.
A food dispensing machine embedded in a wall of all employee lounges at the Ponce Heidon Institute. It was a fully equipped lounge with instantizers offering snacks and drinks made on the spot with fresh fruits, veggies, and protein products. (2)
São Miguel Island, the largest of the volcanic islands in the Azores. known for its proliferation of caves and lava tubes. Chapter 5 TREASURE
An izzyism is a credo expressed by a character in IZ~ The Izzy Story. The characters are bursting with expressions that guide their actions. An example: During the trip to MBG21 (Earth) Izzy Tzeus is the only one small enough to take the risk of replacing the Central CPU chip on Graviton 1. If Izzy is successful he will save lives of everyone on the spaceship. This is his comment when he's given his instructions, "It's a matter of life, death, or tuna broccoli treats!"
A form of martial arts popular on Planet Authair. Kan-du is performed exclusively by Authairian males who are trained to use their claw as the weapon of defense only in the event of threat to life. Kurl Tszargon, Ponce Heidon, and Gore Andriol are kan-du masters. With Kurl’s reputation—as the grand master of kan-du, not to mention his astronomical expertise—Dorf suspected Cimi would spout out Kurl’s many awards. (3)
An enzyme Ursula von Menglebort developed for her notouchims to secrete. It causes death to anyone a notouchim touches. “They’re such sweet little ones,” Ursula cooed. “No one vill suzpect their touch exudes a deadly enzyme—zee Urzula von Menglebort enzyme—soon to be known as zee Killer-UVM.” (19)
Conversational acronym for Keeping Up With It,an app created by Cimi Nuja that collects and organizes data for Izzy’s development. It interprets his behavior and presents the data in an easily understood manner. “I used It because the app can be customized for any life form. Now watch.” Cimi raised her wrist and spoke. “Open KUWI.” (22)
A small village located in Wiltshire, England, 12 miles from Stonehenge. Chapter 3 DISCOVERY
A spying device implanted behind the ear. Chico suspected this assignment would inform the enemy of the direct route to labs so they could invade. Immediately after having the lentil embedded, she’d returned straight to her room and figured the system already traced her way there. (25)
An undeciphered ancient hieroglyphic script used in Minoan writings. Chapter 3 DISCOVERY.
A deciphered syllabic script used for writing in Mycenaean Greece about 1400 BCE. Chapter 3 DISCOVERY.
Antikythera Mechanism found near the island of Antikythera in the Mediterranean Sea. Chapter 5 TREASURE.
Magnelev is a device developed by Authairians to counter the force of gravity. Cimi checked that all were secured. She locked her own restraint and nodded a go ahead to Phed who activated the magnelev.
Magnetic Levitation is a phenomenon that describes how Authairians counter the force of gravity using the strong magnetic fields of Planet Authair.
MBG21 is the code used by the Olympyons to identify Planet Earth. Only Cimi Nuja knows the true meaning of each letter.
The Authairian symbol representing medicine—two hearts with vines intertwined—is similar in meaning to the caduceus on Earth. That’s it. Can’t mistake the Olympyon medical symbol. (47)
Dorf’s app for recording mental notes in his DB, a process called mental-noting. Dorf named his DB’s mental note file Cimi Nuja and recorded its first entry, confident the MN app would catch at least ninety-eight percent of his thoughts: Cimi—broad smile, tuft orange and curly. (3)
An Authairian verb meaning to display from a communication device, such as a Dyzzleberry Communicator, a live-action holographic image. For example Cimi might say this showing off her newly designed DB. “Wow, an Olymfab morphload from my DB, look at that Chico, Izzy’s showing us he’s licked up the last crumb of his tuna broccoli treat!”
Multiple rolled layers (concentric tubes) of single sheets of graphite (graphene). Chapter 2 SKEPTICAL.
NPT is the public news broadcasting network available to all citizens of Planet Authair. She dug her ruby nails deep into the seat’s plush fibers impatient for National Public Telepathy’s update of deaths to scroll across the holovid at the front of the room.
Electrically excitable cells that process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals. Glialpathing in Chapter 2 SKEPTICAL.
Initialism for Notouchim Instruction Guide, which forms the rules for Ursula’s notouchims’ behavior and training. She ordered her notouchims schooled on similar regulations and rules and expected them to recite any portion of the NIG upon request. (19)
Male orphans whose growth and behavior have been genetically manipulated by Ursula von Menglebort. When touched by other raptans, their pores exude a fatal substance. Dr. von Menglebort manipulated genes so that the fear receptors in the brains of notouchims are turned off. In physical appearance, notouchims are stunted in growth and have curly white hair. She leaned forward, her bony fingers tightening over the ends of the armrests. “No one vill confuse notouchims for Valympyons. Notouchims grow hair on their heads.” (18)
National Public Telepathy Olympya is the public news broadcasting network available to Olympyon citizens of Planet Authair. Participants showed up, waited for a spot on NPTO’s daily holovid, demonstrated, and then dispersed. (15)
National Public Telepathy Valympya is the public news broadcasting network available to all Valympyons of Planet Authair. In view of the NPTV footage, Chico knew she’d receive no sympathy from von Menglebort, certainly no professional recommendation. (7)
Planet Authair’s southern sun. The people on Planet Authair who live under Olym’s sun rays are called Olympyons. Your mission is to ensure the survival of not only your fellow Olympyons but the whole of raptanity. Our government is at your service. May Olym be with you. (2)
An Olympyon expression that means fabulous or of Olympic standards. Cimi Nuja uses olymfab when she finds something truly awesome. “Olymfab! That’s the greatest idea, Doc.” (30)
Olymopos is the largest city in the Olympyon hemisphere on Planet Authair. It is the home of the University of Authair. Izzy Tzeus was born at PHI which is in Olymopos.
Breaking News – A virus of unknown origin has spread to the suburbs of Olymopos. Five hundred—no, make that five—hundred—one more deaths in the last hour. That brings the total to 15,610. Emergency measures—.
The largest city in the Olympyon hemisphere on Planet Authair. It is the home of the University of Authair. Izzy Tzeus was born at PHI, which is in Olymopos. Breaking news: A virus of unknown origin has spread to the suburbs of Olymopos. (1)
The Southern hemisphere of Planet Authair. Fear of biological weapons targeted on Olympya jump-started the Ponce Heidon Institute’s rapid construction. (2)
Olympyon is a citizen of the hemisphere of Planet Authair that faces the sun, Olym.
The mission assigned to General Gore Andriol to destroy the monster and the Olympyon enemy scientists who supposedly created the deadly virus. Operation Mountain Monster belonged to Six-Star General Gore Andriol. (51)
Initials of Olympyon Space Agency. She’d seen the inside, at least what the Olympyon Space Agency revealed to the public. She’d even watched a classified OSA simulation of the mountain opening to allow liftoff, but she’d never bothered checking out the surrounding terrain. (47)
Acronym for Olympyon Space High Command Center (pronounced osh-ka). She trusted that as they’d spoken, Kurl already would’ve been messaging the info to his personal contact at the Olympyon Space High Command Center. (39)
Designation of one of Olympyon’s space station satellites. Luckily, he messed up on the coordinates, and the missile only grazed OSS-176. (43)
Initials for hours of wake-cycle with Proxi above the horizon. Expect to be paged at half to eight PA in reception. Cimi should be ready to present by then. (3)
Translates to: Planet Authair Universal Serial Number similar to Earth's Library of Congress Identification code (ISBN) - All Hidden Gems have a PAUSN identity.
Initials for hours of sleep-cycle with Proxi below the horizon. Chico yearned to reach her ralkid long before the PB sunsphere turned deep violet and the sleep-cycle fell upon Authairians. (7)
Period at the beginning of a new wake-cycle as Proxi crosses from below to above the horizon, approximately equivalent to 6:00 a.m. in Earth time. She rolled over and opened her eyes only when gentle paws brushed her cheek. “I’m awake. I’m awake.”Emerald fringe PHA with Proxi not quite above the horizon?(8)
Period at the end of work-cycle before the beginning of a new sleep-cycle as Proxi crosses from above to below the horizon, approximately the equivalent of 6:00 p.m. in Earth time. She ached to enjoy a rejuvenating sleep in the safety of her ralkid before six PHB when Proxi tipped below the horizon, and she trusted that food and security awaited her. (7)
The initials of the Ponce Heidon Institute for Genetic Research on Planet Authair in the city of Olymopos. Cimi’d never seen Kurl in person outside PHI, and her passion ignited when she faced him standing tall in his gray bodysuit and black vest. Wow, he looks olymfab. But this is business. (49)
Sample Code on the Dyzzleberry Communicator used to establish communication with an employee of the Pone Heidon Institute of Genetics on Planet Authair.
Shortened version of Ponce Heidon Institute Mission Control.
Phed checked his DB. Nineteen minutes before scheduled departure. He knew PHI Mission Control, which he dubbed Phimc, would be watching their every move. They had no time to spare.
. Initialism for Ponce Heidon Institute Mission Control. Phed checked his DB. Nineteen minutes until their scheduled departure. He knew PHI Mission Control would be waiting for his first voice message as they neared the exit of the mountain. (10)
Pixelated is the description Kurl Tszargon gives to Cimi Nuja because of her obsession with reducing information to subpixels.
The planet Authair (pronounced out there) is the home of characters classified as The Good and The Bad on The Izzy Story website. Authair resides on the outer rim of the Milky Way Galaxy and revolves in orbit between two stars of a three-star system. On Planet Authair there is no night. The suns always shine, though clouds and rain do interfere. The Equapyon Mountain Range circles the entire planet at its equator, separating the Olympyon hemisphere—which faces its sun, Olym—from the Valympyon hemisphere—which faces its sun, Valym.
Each pole of Authair points directly to one of the two nearest suns, Olym and Valym. Two cultures evolved that hold their respective suns in reverence. Thus, Authairians living on the hemisphere facing Olym call themselves Olympyons, and those living on the hemisphere facing Valym call themselves Valympyons.
The poles of Authair always face one of the two suns. It is never night on the planet, so Authairians never experience planetary darkness. They are naturally afraid of the dark. If an Authairian resides on one of the poles, the nearest sun never appears to move. Near the equator, an Authairian observes the sun travel in a small circular path each day but still never experiences darkness.
Ponce wound his way to Dorf’s WRAP, thankful that PHI had been the first facility on Planet Authair with such a sterilization system installed at the entrance to each lab. (2)
Authair’s orbit revolves around the center of gravity produced by a triple star system. The two primary stars controlling Authair’s orbit, each on opposite hemisphere’s of Planet Authair, are Olym on its southern hemisphere and Valym on its northern hemisphere. Proxi is the third and much more distant star. It is equally distant from both Olym and Valym creating the apex of an invisible triangle with the other two stars. The effect of Proxi on Authair’s orbit is slight but important for Authair’s stability. Authair’s orbit resembles an invisible Ferris wheel. Directly perpendicular from the hub of this invisible Ferris wheel, far into space, we see Olym on one side and Valym on the other side of the imaginary hub. Much farther out is space, directly in line with the imaginary turning rim of the Ferris wheel is the star Proxi.
A myth about a celestial body, called Planet Midden, has been recounted by Authairians for thousands of years. The myth tells how their ancestors had developed a method of disposing of their refuse. They would send it on the backs of giant flying dragons to a celestial body orbiting their planet. They called the celestial body Planet Midden. As each dragon arrived on Planet Midden he or she would find a fresh spot for depositing the cargo, then travel to an old deposit that had ripened and developed into the most wonderful feast for a tired and hungry flying dragon. The dragon would feast and drink of clear water from fresh springs nearby, then rest for a full sleep cycle and fly back to Planet Authair to continue the recycling process. Planet Midden today is said to be lush and beautiful with the most wonderfully colorful shimmering-winged miniature dragons.
A furnce, fictionalized in Iz~ The Izzy Story, that uses ionized hydrogen, plasma, to heat objects tens of thousands of degrees. Chapter 2 SKEPTICAL.
An extremely strong polymeric construction material used on Authair. The furry lizard creature stretched one arm out, splaying his hand on the transparent plexi while the other clung to a branch. (26)
Initialism for the Pomegranate Neural Network Computer invented by Cimi Nuja. My assistant, Clyde, will put IDs into your laboratory directory, then I’ll randomize them, and only the PNNC security infrastructure will have the capability of verifying them. (3)
A resilient fabric of which clothing is made The insignia on her sleek polyfiber bodysuit advertised her position of authority. (28)
Also known as the PHI, this genetic research institution on Planet Authair was created by Ponce Heidon through the request of the Olympyon Center for Disease with assistance from the Olympyon Government. Its purpose is to develop cures for all viruses threatening the existence of Authairians. Geneticists at the Ponce Heidon Institute have isolated an unknown virus from the victims’ blood. No source has been established for this deadly strain. (1)
Portal is the window created by the Thorium Lensing Device or TLD that allows entry and exit into the dark energy field.
Initials of Pink Peace Power, an Authairian nongovernmental organization that exposes global environmental problems. Gore thought: Heidon and his researchers will, at the least, have their curiosity aroused by the appearance of the PPP at the site of their mothballed Graviton-1. The foolish Olympyons might even welcome their presence. (46)
The third and most distant of Planet Authair’s suns. Although Authairians hadn’t known of any heavenly bodies beyond their suns—Olym, Valym, and distant Proxi—Kurl’s great-uncle J. K. Elbbuh proved that beyond Authair’s sunspheres waited a universe filled with other worlds.(3)
The time it takes Authair to revolve in its orbit from one close approach to Proxi to the next. That cycle takes approximately twelve Earth years. As there were only two who briefly survived, my job was as boring as waiting for the next proxi-cycle. (14)
Quindar tone is used to announce that a voice transmission is coming from either Graviton 1 or from the tower.
A furry, ball-shaped animal indigenous to both hemispheres of Planet Authair. It fits snugly inside the hand of an adult raptan but doesn’t like being there unless it receives soft scratches inside its thick fur. A rabbityle has no need for arms; it gives hugs with its long, furry ears. It keeps a lizard-like tail coiled up inside a rump-pouch exposing only the puffball of fur on its tip. If a predator appears, a rabbityle makes like a spinning ball; its tail uncoils and slings through the air, its ears stiffen into wings, and it flies to safety.
Although shaped like a ball of fur, a rabbityle doesn’t wobble when it’s sitting. Two thin legs folded underneath its body rest on sturdy four-toed feet. If a rabbityle likes you, it’ll pop up to standing by bending its legs backward like a heron and follow you around until you feed it veggies. If it really likes you, it’ll wrap its tail around your wrist or ankle and tap, tap, tap its puffball. Rabbityles come in shades of brown, white, black, blue, or a mottling of any combination. Don’t know, but she’s been having a run on rabbityles—deliveries every other work-cycle. Guess she’s testing a new vaccine. You’d think she’d involve me in the study…probably doesn’t want my opinion on using live animals for test subjects. (1)
A spaceship built by the Valympyons using blueprints stolen from Graviton-1. Its interior was customized for the needs of Mumba’s crew. How do you think we built Ragnarock? You think a bunch of pamdy-damdy genetic researchers know how to pilot a spaceship? Not on your life, Andriol. (45)
Ragnarock Chase and Destroy Graviton 1 Mission is the name of the assignment that Mumba Zola ordered his Six Star General, Gore Andriol, to stop the Olympyons from developing the vaccine that would cure the ABMR-Virus.
The highest point of the Equapyon Mountain Range in the Valympyon hemisphere of Authair. An earthquake occurred at its base, and subsequently, Mumba Zola had Ragnarock built in the pit left by the earthquake.
Trees whose cascading branches, in season, burst forth with daisy-like flowers. Before each Authairian sleep-cycle, the vine-like branches entangle, creating a hard shell. This provides protection from weather and beasts for anyone who chooses to rest under the tree’s canopy. Ralkids are found primarily in the Valympyon hemisphere of Planet Authair. But here I am, a student of all things green and growing, and this is probably my last opportunity, ever, to see ralkid blossoms open and watch the white blooms become a blizzard of crimson-centered petals. (8)
Authairians call themselves raptans, as Earthlings call themselves humans. The word has its basis in evolution. Millions of years ago, Authairians evolved from raptors such as the dromaeosaur. The following are examples of how forms of the word raptan are used: Ponce Heidon seeks to find a cure for the virus for the good of raptanity. Cimi Nuja is known to her fellow Authairians as a raptanitarian for her charitable service to education. The Ponce Heidon Institute was established to develop cures for diseases for the benefit of raptankind.“This small but mighty raptan”—she emphasized the word raptan—“will be able to flatten his body and slither near the bott undetected. You and I will distract the bott while Izzy jumps to its shoulder and replaces the chyp.” (49)
Also known as the RFI, the Rosaland Franklin Institute of Genetics is a fictitious research laboratory facility in Titusville, New Jersey.
The device attached to each seat on Graviton-1 that secures the occupant in a safe position during liftoff and landing, through portals between normal matter and the dark energy field, and in other potentially hazardous travel conditions. Making sure she’d properly locked her safety shell, Phed took his seat behind the control deck. He closed the transparent hood, fastening out echoes, water, heat, and briny air, and then performed a system check.(10)
SAVED is the code for Successful Antivirus Effectively Developed that Dorf Seuz and Robar Gimmel had agreed would be the signal to begin distribution preparation of the vaccine.
. A hardy plant that grows on Planet Authair in salty warm water. Its appearance is similar to the red mangrove that grows in tropical climates on Earth. The walker part of the name comes from the way the roots appear to be walking. She peered across the stream, which now seemed more like a river, toward her assumed destination—a seawalker grove. From this vantage point, Chico saw no entrance. The haphazardly growing branches made a lush wall of foliage. (8)
Security lounge is the seat in the command center for each crew member to use while at his work. The crew member can be secured in it when there is a need for safety during flight. It also contains the safety shell that is kept embedded at the base of the seat under normal flight conditions.
. A polymeric construction material used on Authair. Phed’s thin body slid down the silishone-surfaced table, and Doc bounced off the cushioned wall, landing on the floor with a thud. (35)
Nickname for the Stay in Shape Sky Cruiser, a small aerial vehicle used for short commutes on Authair. It’s powered by the passenger peddling. Though he preferred jogging, many colleagues eager to exercise on their daily commute used Stay in Shape Sky Cruisers; nearly all of them also abbreviated the convenient vehicle’s cumbersome brand name to sissca. (3)
A sissca with a pilot. The passenger may choose whether or not to peddle. Her sisscuber pilot’s wait should be short. (20)
Sleep-cycle. The period of time designated by Authairians for rest. Planet Because Authair has perpetual daylight, Authairian eyelids have adapted to blocking out high levels of illumination. His once loose pants and shirt had been plastered against the yellow resin over an entire wake- and sleep-cycle . (2)
Squreep is the written representation of the Quindar tone used to alert the beginning of a voice communication between the tower and Graviton 1.
A weapon that immobilizes the victim. Used for protection by The Good and The Bad on Planet Authair. Chico Quwattle was cautioned on the use of a stunfire she’d been given for protection: The stunfire can incapacitate a victim up to forty paces, so keep a distance from your enemy. At close range, some waves may deflect and hit unintended targets. (7)
Authair’s sunsphere is a thick glowing cloud-cover surrounding the planet. Viewing their sky from the ground, Authairians observe a brightly illuminated ring around their sun which they call sunsphere. The sunspere’s color is most intense near the sun and fades as one looks toward the horizon. The sunsphere changes color as the planet rotates due to the ionizing radiation created by the aurora tornadoes at Authair’s poles. The sunsphere’s shades of color provide a time reference for Authairians. She blinked to wash away the air’s stinging vapors, then peeked through a slit in her eyelids and noticed a slight amber tinge to Valym’s dirtied yellow sunsphere. (6)
An Authairian liquid measure equivalent to 37 cm3 or 2.50 US tablespoons or 2.08 UK tablespoons. Snickering, Gnarly sweetened his hot brew and took a swiggle.(1)
Except for Jeeves, those listed as The Bad deserve that designation. Jeeves finds himself a captive of Mumba Zola and so must do the bidding of the evil dictator. Others included in The Bad are Ursula von Menglebort, General Gore Andriol, and Leachim Ztulk (another innocent who must live under the horrific demands of his uncle Mumba). Harimata is a female spy hired by Gore Andriol and certainly deserves her place among The Bad in CREATION.
. These characters live on Planet Earth and have adventures with Authairians.The Earthlings’ adventures with Authairians begin in IZ~THE IZZY STORY: ENCOUNTERS, and they will find their way into later episodes of IZ—THE SAGA.
. Ponce Heidon, Dorf Tzeus, Izzy Tzeus, Cimi Nuja, Kurl Tszargon, Robar Gimmel, and Phed Ilkjkld are The Good. They are native to the Olympyon hemisphere of Planet Authair and are being pursued by Mumba Zola, dictator of the Valympyon hemisphere. Chico Quwattle is an innocent Valympyon who is implicated in the bombing of the Valympyon state office complex and has escaped to Olympya.
God of thunder and lightning synonymous with the Celtic mythology god Taranis.
A Norwegian explorer, ethnographer and adventurer who proved ancient peoples of South America were capable of sailing across the Pacific to Polynesia.
TLD stands for Thorium Lensing Device. Dr. D.D. Whatsus accidentally discovered the Lensing Energizing Mechanism while at graduate school working on his Ph.D. His discovery was immediately classified as top secret by the Authairian government and the Authairian Air Force developed the TLD as a means of traveling through space at previously impossible speeds
Authair revolves around the center of gravity between its two nearest suns, Olym and Valym. The measure of time for one revolution is determined by the annual approach to the third sun, Proxi, of the three-star system. It too revolves around the other two suns but has an extremely long period of revolution. To determine the length of an Authairian year, the Authairians mark the year’s beginning when Planet Authair is at its closest to Proxi.
Authair’s orbit between the two suns is like a Ferris wheel. Authair is not circling any planet. It circles the center of gravity of the two suns and that keeps Authair stable in its orbit. Each time Authair is at the top of the imaginary Ferris-wheel, that is the closest approach to Proxi and that takes the equivalent of twelve Earth years or one proxi-cycle. The closest approach of Planet Authair to Proxi has a biological significance for life on Authair similar to the biological significance that the lunar cycle has on Earth.
Authair rotates on an axis that is parallel to its axis of rotation around the center of gravity between its two suns. The direction of rotation is the same as that of its revolution.
On Authair, when an Olympyon sees Proxi rise above the horizon, a Valympyon will see Proxi set below the horizon. All this time, the suns Olym and Valym are shining. When an Authairian sees Proxi rise two times, that is equivalent to one of their days, equaling one full wake- and sleep-cycle.
TLD stands for Thorium Lensing Device. Dr. D.D. Whatsus accidentally discovered the Lensing Energizing Mechanism while at graduate school working on his Ph.D. His discovery was immediately classified as top secret by the Authairian government and the Authairian Air Force developed the TLD as a means of traveling through space at previously impossible speeds
A technique for dating solids which measures the accumulated radiation exposure of the object from the time it was formed to the present. Chapter 3 DISCOVERY.
Tookay is a puree of any fruit topped with a froth of gnarlythorn nectar.
Also Tuna Broccoli Treats - Izzy Tzeus’ favorite food. Chico Quwattle created the recipe that includes tuna fish, broccoli, gnarlythorn nectar, and other ingredients to tempt Izzy’s taste buds. Izzy suddenly balanced on his toes, twirled around, and burst into a sing-songy path. “Tuna-broccoli treats, nutritious, delicious, crispy sweets. Izzy loves tuna-broccoli treats.” (31)
A health drink made from pulverized vegetables. He took the last chug of TX, a potent vegetable cocktail, and picked up a firm stalk of apium. (1)
Vaccine bubble rolls are the storage containers that include individual vaccine dosages that have been assembled by Botty under the watchful eyes of Izzy Tzeus.
Authair’s northern sun. The people on Planet Authair who live under Valym’s sun rays are called Valympyons. Valym’s rays shine over the Valympyon hemisphere through work-cycle and sleep-cycle on Planet Authair.Shoulder to shoulder, 140 skilled marksmen stood in rows of twenty under Valym’s rays. (48)
A Valympyon is a citizen of the hemisphere on Planet Authair that faces the sun Valym. Speaking to other raptans was not something Ursula enjoyed, so it seldom happened. When it did, however, she spoke about herself in the third person, elevating her persona—she imagined—to the prominence deserving of Valympyon’s preeminent virologist. (1)
VARRUMPH is the sound made when Graviton 1 enters and exits the dark energy field that occupies seventy-three percent of the mass of the universe. The dark energy field is inaccessible without the aid of the Thorium Lensing Device.
Villinois - A city in the Valympyon hemisphere of Authair, famous throughout Planet Authair for its University. Chico Quwattle, one of The Good, won a scholarship to the University of Villinois and studied plant genetics there.
VSR or Virtual Surveillance Reality is Mumba Zola’s system that virtually embeds the observer into live action of a chosen geographical location. It allows the operator to feel temperature, experience smells, and hear environmental sounds as if he or she were there. My Excellency will now demonstrate Valympyon Surveillance Reality. You’ll now experience VSR’s one-of-a-kind advanced surveillance technology. (28)
Vizzigram – An artistic creation, still or animated, in either 2D or 3D, produced by an individual’s virtual painting on a Dyzzleberry Communicator’s projected image.
A verbal pronouncement delivered by an authorized Authairian that seals a contract or that commissions an action
The time on Authair when Authairians are usually not sleeping. Don’t know why I bothered to say good wake-cycle to her. She clicked by me in those stilettos like I didn’t exist. (1)
Wilco is the word used by flight controllers when they want to stress a point of compliance to the request of a pilot. It means 'will comply.'
Acronym for Wearable Resin Applied Protection, a device that sprays a protective covering, which is also referred to as a wrap, over all adult-size raptans entering any laboratory at PHI. You’ll fit through the small equipment door and won’t need a wrap. Chief—er—I mean, Daddy Tzeus has authorized access for you, Izzy. (30)
Dorf Tzeus’s nickname for the device that sprays a protective covering over all raptans entering any laboratory at PHI. At least now Phed could sleep between feedings and record-keeping without coming and going through the wraptrap. (21)
A typographical symbol standing for an Authairian curse known as the Z-word: a vile expletive favored by His Excellency. Excerpt from CREATION: '"Shut the Z*#! sound off, you numbskull," shouted Mumba.'"